Jacob Kilburn holds the RFT and Hardrock MMA Featherweight Title, his fight record is 8-3-0. He took 2nd Place in sparring at the USA Karate Championship, and was a part of the Fighter Source worldwide amateur MMA tournament. He holds black belts in Judo and Karate. His training began after watching Steven Seagal movies and wanted to be able to throw guys around like him.
He chose HHMA after training at other gyms and doing extensive research on what option were available. He said it became obvious to him that Harris Holt had the knowledge, facilities and structure to build a good and well-rounded fighter. He knew his best bet would be Harris Holt Martial Arts,.
To prepare for a fight he trains hard, sticks to a strict diet and listens to his coach. He says the training and long hours he puts in will ensure that he’s prepared. If everything is done right and he trains like he should then the fight will win itself.